Business Cooperation

Good news! GREA won the silver award of the "5th Pudong Development Bank International Financial Technology Innovation Competition"


At the end of 2021, the final of the 5th Pudong Development Bank International Financial Technology Innovation Competition was held in Shanghai. The innovative solution “Logwire Enterprise Collaborative Development Cloud Platform” provided by GREA Technology stands out from 130 scheme works of 103 companies at home and abroad. After on-site evaluation and scoring by expert judges such as Chai Hongfeng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, he finally won the silver award of the competition.

Combined with the bank’s panoramic banking ecological cooperation concept, this competition focuses on the three major fields of “digital transformation, production and financial ecology, and data assets”. It aims to aggregate the advantages of technology companies, inter-industry, innovation incubation platforms and other parties, select innovative project solutions, explore and cultivate a number of innovative enterprises with potential in the field of financial science and technology, and establish a fast channel for business cooperation, explore innovative financial services and products, and better serve the development of the real economy.

In the future, the award-winning plan will be docked with the business to help the digital transformation and development of Pudong Development Bank. Up to now, the winning plans of the first four competitions have been implemented in Pudong Development Bank’s intelligent Internet of Things points, intelligent marketing, abnormal transaction monitoring, knowledge map, behavioral perception, data science platform, privacy computing, etc.

Kevin Chen, founder and CEO of GREA Technology, introduced in the final online road show that the “Logwire Enterprise Collaborative Development Cloud Platform” provides the whole-process collaborative service and functional construction of the project from “requirequirements → plan → development → testing → release → operation and maintenance → feedback” to introduce project management, agile research and development, integrated testing, DevOps and other concepts into large enterprises such as express delivery, express transportation, warehousing, etc., and supports the collaborative research and development of public cloud, proprietary cloud and hybrid cloud. Realize system co-construction, establish industry norms, help enterprises improve the level of informatization, open up information islands, and effectively promote the overall digital transformation of the industry.

The cloud platform relies on the mature Logwire low-code development platform of GREA Technology, the cloud platform lowers the threshold for industry personnel development, quickly improves development efficiency, and connects customers, original manufacturers, ecological partners and other relevant parties to create a professional, orderly, efficient and safe collaborative platform. The cloud platform can flexibly plan each iterative sprint around the project goals, provide real-time data feedback, adjust the plan in time, easily respond to changes, and empower enterprise projects to quickly innovate and iterate.

As an innovative technology company focusing on high-end logistics, GREA Technology not only provides leading logistics management application software for the market, but also creates a sharp tool for the research and development of independent innovative products - “Logwire Enterprise Collaborative Development Cloud Platform”, which helps quickly and efficiently upgrade iterative products, empowers customers and ecological partners, and realizes the original intention and vision of being a technology start-up company.

Under the tide of digitalization, GREA Technology will rely on this honor as the ability to continuously improve its competitiveness in the logistics digital market, and continue to help enterprises realize the digital transformation of logistics.